Monday, February 12, 2024

This Is Love

By Kota Blackwell

July 2022

Instagram: @static4ge_

This is love

This is hating until your mouth runs dry

Slapping, Kicking, hitting.

Pay your price and clean it up, 

never think more than a moment.

We love by showing our cards,

naked and vulnerable.

I had all kings, you hold all aces.

Beat me out every time.

The pesticide of our love,

the chemical run off,

the toxic waste.

Eat it, lick it all up.

It's tasteless divergence.

This is love, bbay.

Love, love, love.

Perverted, imperfect, disgusting, sinful love.

This is love, baby.

Milk of the Gods, poison of the underworld.

Slapping, kicking, hitting.

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