
Kota Blackwell
"This is love; this is hating until your mouth runs dry..."

"Live your life; take your time..." 

Zoe Byszynsk
"A pen is mightier than the sword; in an age where boys no longer wield..."


Zoe Byszynski
"Oh little caterpillar, how you've slept and wriggled..."

Isabella Krieg
"I watch as four clothed cats sit on a common city step..."

Zoe Byszynski
"So limber, So lonely, So beautifully repetitive..."

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Short Stories

Isabella Krieg
"He had a seesaw that looked like an airplane and sat 4 people, some sort of symbol of the possibility of the future..."
Katie Flynn
"I was born with an urge to move south, triggered every winter by the heartland painted white..." 

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Isabella Krieg
"Girlhood is not a universal component of female experience..."

Isabella Krieg
"I am the object. During this period I take full responsibility."

Isabella Krieg
"No woman can be free, as a person, until she loses her femininity..."

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