Monday, September 9, 2024

A Mother's Changed Hand

Stella Sanles

September 2023

The hand that holds mine

Is large and pale

Soft with 

Short nails that remain


They hold the butcher's knife

Fold dumpling skin

And peel oranges.

Splashing water

On freckled cheeks and

Running mousse

Through wavy black hair.

Out hands meet.

We cross the street

And walk to school

Every morning


I don't see them again

Until late evening.

Hands that were once small

And lived on

The other side of the globe.

Still peeling oranges

But not as frequently.

With a father

Across the sea

Working to afford

A life in America.

Gripping pencils and paper

Running over characters

I don't understand.

Painting a grandmother's hand

A color I don't know.

In a crowded apartment

I've never seen.

In a busy country

I've never visited.

Those hands are now

The same size

As mine.

Aged and weathered

Tanned from the sun.

Hardworking as ever

Tending to a garden

And me.

Our hands are apart

When we cross the street.

But now yours 

Take my arm.

My elbow bends

In acceptance

And we walk together

Like we did when 

Our hands were different.

You still peel my oranges.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

A Talk with the Wellies

The Wellies are a band from NYC who formed just last year, with their main lineup consisting of; Angelina Ramsey (vocals and guitar), Jolie Weinstein (vocals and bass), and Sadie Porter (drums). After making their debut at Bushwick's Caffeine Underground back in September, it would only be 6 months later that they release their demo EP, "Electric 2."  Their release party was held on the roof of a Brooklyn apartment singer-songwriter Elliott Smith had lived in (an exciting fact that wasn't found out until much later). Fortunately for Wellies, they were able to find a strong audience and set of supporters for their music. Unfortunately for the rest of us, their last show on August 3rd will be the last we'll hear from the Wellies for a while, as they're going off to college. 

Wellies at Main Drag, August 3rd

But!!! Before they leave, they were kindly able to have a chat and answer some questions:

What first sparked your interest in music and how did it lead to forming the band?

Angelina: Jolie and I were just becoming friends and talking about music, and I had just started playing guitar and showing her random things I made on Garage Band. That's when I was like, "Jolie I need a band I can't do this myself."

Jolie: And I was like, Angelina I need to form a band I've been wanting to start a band we have to do it! There's this great Rose Melberg quote when she's asked why she started Tiger Trap and she's like, "it was just the coolest thing you could do," and I resonate with that a lot. I'd just met some of these awesome people in Chicago who were all in bands and I really wanted to be a part of that.

Angelina: also Jolie was like, "I always start fake bands with people and it never becomes a thing." I was like... this is happening.

Sadie: I replaced Prince cuz he kinda SUCKED but I didn't think I'd stay.

Angelina: I literally ambushed Sadie, I don't think she even knew who I was. I went up to her and was like, "we need you to play drums" and I provided no context.

Sadie: You lowkey did but I ended up fucking with it so hard. Now I'm serious about drums.

Can you walk through your songwriting process?

Angelina: Jolie always has lyrics and then I come up with some guitar part and we merge.

Jolie: I kinda just get a line into my head and build on that.

How has your music developed since you first started playing together?

Jolie: We all sucked at first and now we're getting better.

Sadie: We were kinda rusty at first

Angelina: Yea for shiz. But it took a while to introduce new songs.

Sadie: I was so nervous at shows and could not play well. Now we're all synced up.

Angelina: We started really syncing up right at the end.

What has been your most memorable performance, and why?

Angelina: The rooftop was really fun to put together with all our friends. Everyone helped transport everything and set everything up and it was really nice in the end. The view was so cool and all the bands were great, I miss Sugarglass

Jolie: I second this. RIP Sugarglass.

Music guilty pleasure?

Angelina: Tyler, the Creator

Sadie: Gucci Mane and Pierce the Veil

Jolie: The Strokes, Cupcakke, and Paper Lanterns by Green Day

Musical "Ins" and "Outs"?

Angelina: In is not owning an entire drum set and sharing with others, like DIY. Out is being disrespectful for no reason. You don't need to chug that Modelo on stage when gang said sober space.

Jolie: Out- Skramz...

What is the most unusual venue you've ever played at?

Angelina: Rooftop.

Jolie: That one loft show owned by Austin Brown's friend. Also Knitting Factory, that's just unusual for teenage bands to be playing...

How do other people describe your music vs. how you would describe your music?

Jolie: Twee. City girls twee gangsta rap. We are not twee. To call us twee is a disgrace to the Sarah Records gods.

What is the story behind your bands name?

Angelina: It came to Jolie in a dream. I'm serious.

Jolie: I was going to sleep one night, and all I could think was rainboots and rain and England and my past English lovers (not!) and then I jumped up and was like WELLIES.

Does anyone have any secret talents?

Angelina: I'm really good at everything, and it's not a secret. Just kidding. No, I don't.

Jolie: Burping on command.

Sadie: I can do that too

Is there an interview question you've always wanted to be asked, and what is the answer?

Angelina: All of my guitar parts have been stolen from a niche Foo Fighters song.

Is there anybody you'd like to thank or shoutout?

Angelina: Shoutout gang for always helping us transport and always being supportive. Shoutout Dave Grohl for writing "Exhausted" which made me pick up guitar. Shoutout "Jennifer's Body" by Hole for being the first song I learned. 

Jolie: I'd like to shoutout the gone but not forgotten potential band name - Postman 90

What is the future of Wellies, known and unknown?

Angelina: Unknown, maybe playing shows later but you can't really plan ahead like that. We were working on an album but it's hard, and time consuming, and I think we're all a little burnt out. Don't have the brainpower to do the new songs but I'm still down if they are.

Wellies at Caffeine Underground, January 27

Find the Wellies here:



See the Rooftop show here! <--

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Behind the Lyrics: "Hang On" by Autumn Rhythm


I'll wait till you believe me

I'll wait until you see

That everything I live for

You bring it out in me

Hang on, I'll call you

Hang on, I'll call you

I'll wait till you believe me

I'll wait until you see

That when I fall, you catch me

And let me down with ease

Hang on, I'll call you

Hang on, I'll call you

Autumn Rhythm released their 3rd album on May 18th. We asked Joey to talk about the story behind this track:

Me and Dusty went on a trip to Philly because I was drumming with Mildly Allergic at this spot called the Underworld. Really fun show, but on the way home Dusty got really insecure for whatever reason, and she texted me the next day about it while on her way home from the train. While I was texting, her I was writing that riff so I just made the lyrics reassuring her she's a really good partner and a really good person and that I love her lots. But it's really general and I like that it could be about anyone to anyone... I made a pact with myself when I started the band that I'd never write a "love" song using the word "love." But that being said it's one of the only Autumn Rhythm songs addressed to one specific person.

Find Autumn Rhythm here:


